Procambarus Alleni: Facts, Characteristics, Habitat and More

Procambarus Alleni Facts

Scientific Classification of Procambarus Alleni: Procambarus Alleni

Kingdom of Procambarus Alleni: Animalia

Phylum of Procambarus Alleni: Arthropoda

Class of Procambarus Alleni: Malacostraca

Order of Procambarus Alleni: Decapoda

Family of Procambarus Alleni: Cambaridae

Genus of Procambarus Alleni: Procambarus

Species of Procambarus Alleni: P. alleni

Pictures of Procambarus Alleni

Look at these awesome pictures of Procambarus Alleni.

Some Interesting Facts about Procambarus Alleni

Here are some of the exciting facts to know about these species:

  • Hydro geologists are those who study about crayfishes and blue crayfishes and they have categorized these species as second in the category of crayfishes.
  • These species are also known as Blue Crayfish, Electric Blue Crayfish & Florida Crayfish.
  • The fishes are so volatile that the adults intend to eat each other.
  • These species are bright blue in color.
  • Moreover, they are quite popular in the Aquarium trading industry.

Distribution of Procambarus Alleni

These species are mainly found in the parts of Florida and St Johns River extending from Levy County to Marion County.

Characteristics of Procambarus Alleni

  • Size of Procambarus Alleni: The length of these species ranges from 7 to 8 inches.
  • Color of Procambarus Alleni: These species primarily blue in color but they also have red colored stomach area. Those fishes adorning the aquarium are primarily only blue in color.

Food Habits of Procambarus Alleni

These species have special affinity for tubiflex and larvae of mosquitos. In fact these omnivorous species favor worms in their diet.

Habitats of Procambarus Alleni

The Procambarus Alleni like to dwell in fresh water areas.

Behavior of Procambarus Alleni

These species tend to be territorial in nature towards those who look almost like with the same shape and size.

Mating Of Procambarus Alleni

  • The species have a tendency to mate throughout the year. They do not stick to any particular season.
  • The female counterparts usually carry hundreds of eggs in the lower portion of their tails.
  • Infact the pregnant females tend to conceal in a niche and build a wall to protect their eggs. Usually this concealing process continues for many weeks.
  • It is astonishing to note that the females usually give birth to about 200 offspring within a year.
  • Another astounding fact is that older ones can give birth to about 400 eggs in a span of 1 year.

Caring Of Procambarus Alleni

These species rule the world of aquarium business. Well one should follow some requisites in order to pet these species. Have a look at the steps:

  • Proper Arrangement of Water: The most important factor about the water arrangements is that the Ph balance is maintained within acceptable limits varying within 6.5 to a maximum of 8.5. This helps in the proper survival of these species. It is also necessary to maintain the temperature of the water within 65 to 68 degree Fahrenheit for proper sustenance.

It is important to pay heed to the fact that these species cannot survive well if the water contains sediments of Ammonia & Nitrites.

  • Proper Aquarium Set Up: One should arrange an aquarium such that can hold up to 30 gallons of water. It should be properly enclosed so that the species are unable to elope. It is also important to monitor that the tank does not have any holes so that these species do not spill out. It has been scientifically observed that one tank is suitable for holding only a single species at a time.

One should also make sure that the container provides enough places for the fishes to hide. Another important thing to be mindful of is that it is better not to keep large fishes in the same tank. This can be fatal to the Procambarus Alleni.

  • Proper Food: Apart from those mentioned above, these species can also be fed with dead fishes. One could also try feeding them with green vegetable like lettuce, peas etc. and sometimes wafers for the necessary supplements.

Life Span of Procambarus Alleni

These species can live for up to 20 years of age.

Conservation Status of Procambarus Alleni

These species are not threatened.

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